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Politics, Spirituality and the law of attraction.

It’s 2:25 am in New York and despite being tired, I just can’t sleep.

I just finished a total of an hour meditation and I was able to completely clear my mind before heading to bed. I was ready to sleep, when all of the sudden, a thought, or rather a post came to mind.

Despite my best efforts to push it to the side until the morning, it just wouldn’t stop until I got up and started typing these words.

This post, though, is a little different from the others, (aren’t they all? Lol) in the sense that I’m going to talk about the part of spirituality that usually creeps people out. But I’ll do my best not to do that.

When I started this blog, I wanted to keep things simple. My goal was to explain spirituality in a scientific way so it doesn’t freak people out because after all, this whole thing, really is, just science. I should know, I’m a “science guy”.

But seeing what I’ve been seeing today about the election and all the anger on social media, I just couldn’t ignore it. I tried to but my mind wouldn’t let me and because I’m writing this from a place of love, calmness and peace, I know this isn’t my ego’s doing. So let’s dive in.


We “live” in a vibrational-based world, whether we want to believe it or not. In fact there’s a quote from Albert Einstein on it:

“Everything in life is vibration” .

And because of that, everything that we do, think or feel, has a vibration energy to it. And that is the true nature of who We are.

To make it simple, when you think negative thoughts, the thoughts themselves don’t hold any power, it’s the vibration attached to the thoughts, that are negative.

For example, when you send out a tweet with the intention of hurting someone, most of the time, if the receiver is in alignment with themselves therefore radiating good vibration, the only person getting hurt is the person sending out the tweet. But let’s take this a little deeper by making it personal.

In my experience, I’ve seen tweets or posts directed at me that I found cute, even though, I can tell the intention behind them was to hurt me. And I’ve seen the same post later and got hurt by it.

And in this particular case, the first time that I saw the tweet, I was in a happy mood, therefore my vibration was positive, so I didn’t think much of it though I knew the intention behind it. I understood that the person was probably having a hard time in their life and the tweet was just a reflection of how they’re feeling about themselves at that moment and doesn’t really define who I am.

The second time though, I purposely went on Twitter to “blow off some steam” because I was having a hard time keeping my vibration positive. And the same tweet stirred up so much emotions inside of me that I actually got depressed.

The same thing happens when you used to like a song and all of the sudden you listen to it and you can’t stand it anymore. The artist hasn’t changed, the song didn’t do anything to you. The only thing that changed is your vibration listening now to a song that used to make you happy.

Now - it was important for me to explain this and in this manner so you can understand where I’m getting.

And because our entire world is based on this law(the law of vibration), the law of attraction was created to make sure it’s fair.

To put it simply, you attract what you vibrate. And the more negativity you vibrate, the more negativity you create and the more negativity you get back. It is that simple. This is why, usually, the people that we hate seem to be keep doing better. And the truth is that most of the time, they’re not, we’re just doing worse.

Now - I’m not going to write a post about the law of attraction. There’s enough information on the net on that. What I do want to offer though is how we can work around it and not fall into this spiral of bad vibration.

I get it, things are crazy right now. Everyone is angry and everyone wants to be fighting for something, I really get it. As a minority, I did this my entire life and on a different level, I’m still doing it.

The problem is that the way most of us are going by it is not going to fix the problem. In fact it’ll only make things worse. When the pandemic started, I told everyone I know, to just ignore it, I told them they didn’t need to go on Twitter to see what’s happening or to keep up with the virus, they should stay home, and actually enjoy it, have fun.

But If we don’t, it was just going to come back, and the cases will get worse until we either learn our lessons or we have some type of vaccine.

Now I’m not saying that this is the reason why the virus came back but it didn’t help.

And as much as I would love to downplay this, I’m often right. I’m not perfect. I make mistakes and will continue to make mistakes but one thing that I know for certain is how the laws of the universe work.

And as much as I would love everyone that I know, knowing what I know or believing in what I tell them, I also know that, that will go against another law of the universe, the law of contrast.

We can not all be the same otherwise they will be no contrast and contrast create expansion. Without expansion there will be no progress, no creativity, everything will be, well not alive. But that’s a topic for another day.

Right now we have the chance to start over. We’ll have a new President, new government, spirituality, we’re entering a new phase of our lives, and an important one. Everything is literally rearranging itself so what comes next is better, nicer, happier. But that wouldn’t happen if you don’t let it.

You do not need to engage in negativity online.

Let the people who find their happiness in negativity do so. That’s their job, that’s what they’re here for(contrast).

But what we don’t know or rather what we forget is that there are more positive than there are negative in this life. And they are more happy people than there are psychopaths.

These people just do not have enough power to affect the world, unless, you engage with them. Then negativity + negativity attract more negativity. And it doesn’t matter if you’re right.

Look! In 2015 when the “one who shall not be named”(yeah I’m a big nerd, in cool kids clothing) decided to run for office, in my “activism days” I told who would listen including many influential people in the naacp not to engage with him and eventually he will go away but what happened was everyone got involved, the media, politicians, everyone wanted a piece of him. It was fun, people enjoyed it for their own selfish reasons.

And the more they talked about him, the bigger he got, but anyway you know the rest.

The reason why I’m saying this is because I’m seeing similar things happening currently in our country. If we don’t know how to “go high when they go low”(Michelle Obama) then it would not matter that we have a new President. The situation in our country will not change. There will be more hatred, people will keep having hard time, I mean, we will still be divided and the election in Georgia will just not go the way we want it to go, which will make it very difficult for the new government to fulfill any of its promises.

I’m not trying to be pessimistic guys. I think that we have a good chance in Georgia but if things continue to go the way they’re going right now, it’ll be really hard.

A good way to engage with negativity, is to first get in alignment with yourself, so to speak.

Calm down, watch a cat video, pet your dog, kiss your partner, whatever, be positive first, then act.

In the Bhagavad Gita, it is said: yogastha kuru karmani which means: do all actions remaining in yoga, which is basically another way of saying: do all actions from a positive place. It doesn’t matter what that action is.

And I’m serious, there’s so much of that in my life that I could write 5 books about but I’ll stick to a couple stories.


Few days ago, I was seriously injured and couldn’t even stand on my leg, I had to go to the ER that day, then I thought: what am I doing here? I have work to do and I can literally take care of my leg myself and through some yoga techniques,( Obviously I don’t recommend this to anyone) I was able to get rid of the pain mentally and therefore, physically, the pain went away. Then I went to work like nothing happened.

The next day, I woke up and felt like running a half marathon, even though I had previously ran one the week before.


I was gonna be busy this weekend, so I thought I might as well just do it. But when I actually got up and decided to go for that run, the pain came back as it often does when you’re out of alignment. I mean, there was no way that I, as a regular person, would be able to do that run. It just couldn’t be done.

So again, I decided to get in alignment with who I am and got positive first. Did a little yoga technique to raise my vibration and I was able therefore to become that which I wanted to become: a half marathoner with a perfect leg.

I saw myself back home after the run and through that vibration of Happiness and excitement, I put on my shoes and one foot after the other, I ran 13.35 miles and still had energy to do a complimentary 45 min workout before work.


Another example: The other day, I was out celebrating the release of my book, when a lady wearing a maga hat and pin came and sat down right before us. It was a bit distracting and I have to admit it affected my vibration for a little bit.

My friend was angry and wanted to leave but I told her not to and instead I guided her to practice this other technique that I like to help change our perspective on what was happening.

Sometimes it’s hard, and you just need to leave or meditate but sometimes like that night, things work out.

So I was able to look at the lady and forced myself to look past the superficial things that separate us. She was a lady of certain age and had with her a bag full of Christmas presents so I assumed that she was a grandmother, a mother, and perhaps a wife. I have a mom and a grandmother, my friend has both too. So that’s one, then I thought if she bought all of these toys for her kids or grandkids, she must really love them, and bam, we started to not hate her anymore. She’s a good grandmother. Who can be mad at a good granny.

Then, as I was looking at her, I saw that she had this really cool tattoo that can only mean one thing, she was either a biker in previous life or she dated one, perhaps, her husband?

And I love to bike, I used to have a really cool bike. Bam! 3 points of connection.

That’s what we call it in spirituality. What unifies us rather than separate us. And like that, I went from being distracted by that lady presence to actually starting to like her. That doesn’t mean that I understood or share her views in politics but I was able to ignore her and therefore having a good night. And whatever she was trying to do that night, obviously it didn’t work. That’s how you fight negativity.


Recently, and this is the last example, I forgave and hired back an employee who stole from my company, lied to me and even sued me. That guy today is possibly my best employee and has become a close friend.

Ok one more. Someone from my past has recently resurfaced and at first, it was a little hard to comprehend.

Then through meditation I understood that I needed to forgive them and let go of the past.

That person has hurt me and people close to me more than words can ever express, not kidding crazy things.

But I did just that, I forgave, and moved on.

And they were shocked that I even agreed to talk to them, let alone to see them.

My answer was: well you know me. I don’t take these things seriously. And that was enough to change the conversation but for the people close to me and to the story, they just couldn’t understand why I did what I did.

My best friend was even mad that I posted pictures of my day with that person. And by that I mean, I actually took them out for a nice sightseeing in the city with champagne that i paid for and dinner.

But here’s why, I did what I did, we all make mistakes, all of us, some worse than others but we all are capable of changes, doing better.

And if you truly recognize your mistakes, I believe that you deserve redemption, second chances.

It is in our nature, to forgive, it’s just who we are, even though, most of us have forgotten that about ourselves.

Take a second and imagine where the world will be right now if we hadn’t forgotten the many many offenses that most of us have to endure. Imagine all the wars, imagine retaliation after retaliation. You get the idea. We would’ve ceased to exist. Some people have to push their egos to the side, sign some treaties for us to be here right now.


In the case of my friend, I remembered that though, they hurt me a lot and multiple times, they were,a lot of times, there when I needed them, they cared for me and had my back on multiple occasions and that alone was enough for me to see them in a different light. I’m not saying that this is an easy thing to do but I sure believe in living this way, and I live in peace, most of time. Like everyone, I’m still learning.

Anyway, the way I see it, they needed the distraction and I needed the distraction as well. So the law of attraction brought us together to drown our sorrows in glasses of champagne while looking at the city from 1131 feet. We had a lot of fun, and I’m glad that we did. After all, isn’t that what life is about? Having fun?

It’s now 4:34am and I’m definitely not sleeping tonight and have an early morning starting with a 3 to 4 miles run and another 45 min exercise. But my point is, I believe that we can change, I believe that there’s more good in this world than bad and I believe that we have far so much more that bring us together than what separate us. I believe that, in every passing day we’re doing better, we are getting better. We just need to stop the negativity.

Life just doesn't work that way. And we have suffered way too much this year to keep going down that path.

We need to work on ourselves and for that we need informations like this, and this is why I do what I do. This is why I started this blog. And if we can change one person at the time and who can themselves change another person, then we’ll be getting there.

Look, we can all run half marathons every week, heal our wounds at will, write books, work while working on a million other different projects but imagine for a second all that we can actually do if we could come together and work together in this reality that is our own.

Last time I thought this and felt it,I had visions and you wouldn’t believe what happened to my day.

Anyway, I want all of us, all of you to have these experiences that are just too deeply personal to share. In the meantime I hope this post gets you closer to that.



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